The Prohibition Of The King's Month According To Islamic Teachings Included In The Qur'an
Illustration of worship (Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA According to Muslim religious teachings, it is currently known as the month of the King. In the full month of blessings, Muslims have the opportunity to worship as much as possible to get closer to Allah SWT. In addition, there is a ban on the month of Rajab which must be known, especially for Muslims.

As explained earlier, during the month of Rajab it is highly recommended to do good deeds. In various sources it is said that in the Qur'an variousgundries of the month are explained. Allah SWT rests on it;

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The number of moons in the sight of Allah is twelve months, (as) Allah's Decree (in Lauh Mahfuz) when He created heaven and earth, among them there are four forbidden months. That is (decision) of a straight religion, so don't you wrong yourself to him (the four months), and fight against musyrik people all as they fight you all. Know that Allah is with those who fear.

There are several prohibitions on the forbidden month, including when Rajab is mentioned in the Qur'an Letter At-Taubah verse 36. The following is a ban on the month of Rajab, quoted from various sources.

In the forbidden month, it is forbidden to commit acts of abuse, including to oneself. The interpretation of Ibnu Katsir explains that the sins committed in the forbidden month are more difficult than the usual day, such as committing immorality in the Holy Land of Makkah. The perpetrator will get multiple sins. Allah SWT is dead;

Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.


"And who is meant to commit crimes wrongfully, surely We will feel some of your Painful creatures." (QS Al-Hajj: 25)

Allah SWT also prohibits His servants from taking revenge during the month of the King. At Tafsir Al Azhar, it was stated that this prohibition was imposed so that Muslims held Umrah when Rajab.

This prohibition actually does not only apply to Rajab, but in three other illicit months, namely Zulkaidah, Zulhijah, and Muharam because the month is still related to Hajj.

Quoted from NU Lampung, in the month of Rajab, Muslims are prohibited from committing poverty, one of which is in the form of war. This is like the word of Allah swt in the Qur'an of the letter Al-Baqarah verse 217;

Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. For example, it's not a lie, it's a lie, it's not a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie.


They ask you about fighting on the forbidden month. Say, "Fighting in that month is a great sin; but obstructing (humans) from the way of Allah, infidels to Allah, (blocking entry) the Grand Mosque, and expelling its inhabitants from its surroundings is greater (his sins) by Allah. And doing slander is greater (his sins) than killing. "They are constantly fighting you until they (can) return you from your religion (to Kafir), if they can. Those of you who mutate among you from their religion, then he dies in Kafir, then they are their practices in the world and in the hereafter, and they are the inhabitants of hell, they are eternal in it." (QS Al Baqarah: 217).

In Al-Maidah verse 2 it is also stated that Allah SWT strictly prohibits Muslims from violating the symbols and polluting honors in the month of the King.

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"O believers, do not violate the symbols of Allah, and do not violate the honor of the forbidden months" (QS Al Maidah: 2).

Apart from knowing the prohibition, Muslims are advised to fast. The priority and intention of fasting Rajab can begin to be studied as an effort to improve on him.

That's information regarding the Rajab month ban. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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