What Is DBF: Here's An Explanation And Its Benefits
What Is DBF (Freepik Image)

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever heard of DBF? Or do you know what DBF is? If you beums have heard of it, let's discuss it here!

Direct breastfeeding or DBF is a direct breastfeeding procedure for mothers. Each mother has the option of breastfeeding, either through bottles or DBF. However, in the early months of the little one, mothers are advised to provide exclusive breast milk directly.

Breastfeeding is directly proven to share various benefits for the health of mothers and toddlers. Especially in the long term, this procedure also affects the development and parenting style.

For a mother, it is known that DBF's procedure can help restore the size of the uterus as before after being in two bodies and reduce the risk of breast cancer after giving birth. Not only that, but DBF can also burn more calories, and reduce the risk of diabetes and ovarian cancer.

Benefits Of DBF For Babies

The benefits of direct infrastructure for babies are quite a lot, no wonder this procedure is highly recommended as a method of breastfeeding for babies. There are also several advantages of DBF, namely as follows:

1. Improve Mother and Child Bonding

Not only useful for health, but DBF can also increase emotional networks (bonding) between babies and mothers. This is because the DBF procedure provides opportunities for mothers and toddlers to carry out skin to skin interaction.

When breastfeeding a baby directly, the mother can spend more time with the baby and share touches of affection, such as carrying, hugging, and interacting with the little one. This can improve emotional intimacy between the two.

Not only that, skin to skin for mothers and toddlers also have other benefits, including reducing the risk of hypothermia and stress, and increasing the quality of sleep for the little one.

2. Prevent Early Distribution

Procedures for breastfeeding for babies also affect the duration of breastfeeding. In this case, the efficacy of DBF is to prevent early screening so that babies can get maximum nutrition from breastfeeding for approximately 2 years.

For information, research in the journal Nutrients says that breast milked mothers and giving them through bottles are more at risk of ending breastfeeding earlier, than mothers who apply DBF.

3. Full Baby Nutrition

The next benefit of DBF is that it meets the nutrients needed by the baby. It should be noted that the mother's body has been designed to produce breast milk according to the needs of the baby. For example, breast milk has a thicker texture when the baby is born and will continue to be dilute at the same time as the baby's age because he will get additional nutrition from the MPASI.

While carrying out the DBF, the baby's saliva will immediately come into contact with the mother's breast. The interaction automatically provides a code for the mother's brain to get used to the amount of breast milk production according to the needs of the baby. As a result, your little one can get the nutrition he needs optimally. DBF breastfeeding can also protect the supply of sustainable breast milk.

4. Preventing Infections and Various Other Diseases

Did mothers know that breast milk has the expertise to prevent infection in babies? Breast milk can create antibodies that are able to fight exposure to germs, viruses, or other disease bacteria in babies.

Given that the baby's immune system is still very weak, so he is susceptible to disease. So, the more babies drink breast milk directly, the greater the potential it will be to be free from various other diseases such as asthma, obesity, diarrhea, and diabetes.

5. Lower SID Risk

The next benefit of the DBF procedure is to avoid SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) or sudden infant mortality syndrome. The reason is that this situation still often occurs in Indonesia and the cause is also unknown.

However, when compared to toddlers who do not drink breast milk directly, the risk of SIDS is lower for infants who consume breast milk directly. Therefore, mothers are expected to be able to distribute exclusive breast milk directly for the health of their little ones.

6. Improve Baby's IQ And Introduce Taste

One of the advantages of DBF is that it can increase the IQ of toddlers. The reason is that children who consume exclusive breast milk are known to have a greater level of intelligence than children who drink formula milk.

Not only that, it should also be noted that babies learn to taste the beginning through breast milk. He can also distinguish various flavors of breast milk directly given by mothers. This will later be useful when toddlers have started to receive MPASI.

7. Easy and Practical To Do

Not only sharing health benefits, DBF is a fairly easy and instant procedure to do. Mother no longer needs to prepare a bottle of milk or carry out a breast milk pump for each breastfeeding session.

However, mothers still need to pay attention to the right way of breastfeeding so that the baby feels safe. This procedure can also be tried anywhere and anytime, so it will make it easier for mothers to breastfeed when traveling.

This is an explanation of the procedure for DBF (direct breastfeeding) which is important for mothers to understand. When breastfeeding, prioritize the comfort of the mother and the baby. Also ensure the smooth flow of breast milk by carrying out lactation massage regularly

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