No Need To Involve Emotions, This Is The Secret To Facing A Ignorant Husband
Illustration (Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels)

JAKARTA - A loyal and caring husband is every woman's dream. Not without reason, this desire arises because women want to create a harmonious and long lasting relationship.

Unfortunately, not all men are considerate of their partners. Some of them are even classified as cool husband types and far from being romantic. So, what can be done if you have a partner with this character?

Eliminate expectations

Reporting from YourTango, Monday, February 15, Christine Milrod, a sexologist, explained that someone who is born in an unromantic family will find it difficult to show romantic feelings to others.

So, if you already know what kind of husband's family background is, it is better not to expect that he will turn into someone who clearly shows concern.

Get started first

There is a saying, if you want to be treated well by others, then do good first. This also applies to those of you whose husband is indifferent. Instead of being emotional or indifferent, you can pay attention to your husband first. Just think of this as a first step to make him realize that you love him. Later slowly your husband will understand if you need his attention.

Be open

Not all women like to openly say what they want. So to show this, various codes are often carried out in the hope that the husband understands what is behind his mind and heart.

However, avoid this method if you have a cool type of husband. Because the codes do not apply in the dictionary of life. Try to be candid or open about what you expect or want from him. This attitude will make it easier for your husband to understand your dreams and hopes.

Invite a discussion

Then, how do you let your husband know about your hopes and desires? The answer, namely invite him to discuss. Even though he was born in a cool family, that doesn't mean he should apply the same thing in his new family. Try to make specific rules, then give concessions so that what he is doing is not just rules.

Give it time

The last secret in dealing with an indifferent husband is to give him time to change the habit. After explaining all your wishes, this step is necessary so that your husband can think clearly and reflect on your wishes.

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