Rebecca Klopper Claims The Perpetrator Of The Spread Of Fun Videos Has Been Arrested
Rebecca Klopper (Instagram @rklopperr)

JAKARTA - Rebecca Klopper gave the latest news regarding the case of the spread of an exciting video similar to her. In her personal account, Rebecca said the perpetrators of the video distribution had been arrested.

"The person has received it, but it is handled by the authorities, so it's out of my hands, just ask them, yes," wrote Rebecca Klopper in her Instagram Story.

Furthermore, Rebecca Klopper hopes that the person who did so could get the consequences of her actions.

"Pray for me, I hope that the really bad people get the right answer," he said.

Different from before, Rebecca Klopper looks more daring in dealing with the second case. He appeared in public with his attorney, Sandy Arifin.

"But the point is from our client, I am as a lawyer, if there is a call as a good citizen, I will cooperate and attend the investigation process at Bareskrim Polri," said Sandy Arifin to the media crew in Ampera, South Jakarta on Thursday, July 5.

Rebecca Klopper chose not to confirm or deny the figure in the video. He is more concerned with the case of spreading the exciting video that dragged his name and harmed him.

"On this occasion, I Rebecca Klopper apologize profusely to the Indonesian people for the commotion. In this case, I would like to apologize to my family, colleagues, and clients who have worked with me, including Fadly Faisal and the family who were victims of the news," Rebecca Klopper told a news conference on the case.

An exciting video case similar to Rebecca Klopper first circulated last May. At that time, Rebecca did not respond and closed her entire comments column.

Then, in the middle of this year, the case resurfaced with a new video that also dragged Rebecca Klopper.

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