What Is Metastasis That Hit Vidi Aldiano
What Is Metastasis - Vidi Aldiano (Instagram @vididalidiano)

YOGYAKARTA - Sad news arrives from the singer with a jazzy voice Vidi Aldiano. The 33-year-old man is outspoken about himself suffering from Metastatic cancer that hit the kidney and is now spreading to some point in his body. Curious and curious about what a metastasis is further?

Vidi Aldiano, who was sentenced to kidney cancer in 2019, said that the cancer was spreading. Through an upload on Instagram, the singer whose real name is Oxavia Aldiano gave a moment when she entered the chemotherapy stage accompanied by her mother. Vidi called the therapy a spa day.

"Perhaps many do not know that last year, God's deposit in the form of cancer has spread to some points, thus requiring me to finally have a spa appointment this day every 3 weeks," wrote Vidi, Tuesday (19/9/2023).

Furthermore, the singer of Nuansa Bening also admitted that he had tried to make peace with his current condition, although he was still excited to recover.

"As long as I am still given the power to fight this disease, I can't be cupu. I must continue to be able to live my life, and the bonuses, hopefully, I can continue to work to be able to give you all a smile."

Reporting from Healthline, metastasis is a cancer that has spread from its original location to remote parts of the body. Metastasis is established when cancer cells escape the original tumor, penetrate blood flow or lymph system and spread to other zones in the body.

Metastasis is very often grown when cancer cells break away from the main tumor and penetrate blood flow or the body's lymphatic system. This system brings fluids throughout the body. This means that cancer cells can move away from their original tumors and form new tumors when they settle and develop in other parts of the body.

Metastasis can also grow when cancer cells from major tumors are damaged and develop in the nearest zone, such as in the liver, lungs, or bones. All types of cancer can spread. The formation depends on several aspects, including: Type of cancer and How fast the cancer develops.

Cancer can spread to almost any part of the body. But certain cancers are more likely to spread to certain zones. Cancer that has spread may not give rise to any characteristics or indications.

So after knowing what a metastasi is, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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