Knowing What Malaise Is, It's Not Good For The Body That Needs To Be Identified For The Cause
What illustration is malaise, malaise cause, and how to deal with malaise (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Malaise is a symptom, not a body condition due to definite illness. Symptoms of malaise, most commonly experienced because of body reactions to drugs or marking experiencing certain diseases.

Malaise is characterized by feeling weak, tired, uncomfortable, or feeling unwell. If you've suddenly felt unwell but don't know what caused it, maybe you've had malaise.

Research reported by Health, Thursday, June 29, said that an inflammatory protein called cytokine, which spreads when your immune system is active or not functioning properly, may be responsible for feeling unwell. Malaise can also occur if the cells in your body do not have enough energy.

Feeling unwell, or called malaise, can also be caused by medical conditions or drugs. It is important to know, malaise as a symptom of this disease can be contagious and not contagious. This is because the disease that causes it can also be contagious or not. Here, one of the symptoms of a person experiencing malaise:

Treatment for malaise depends on the underlying cause. Sometimes the cause is unclear and requires further diagnostic tests.

In undergoing tests, health care professionals may ask about your family history as well as new drugs that you may take. If they believe your malaise is related to drug reactions, they may suggest turning to other drugs. If the underlying cause is still unknown, they may ask for a different test to diagnose the source of the symptoms.

Referring to the explanation above, the cause of malaise is not always clear and difficult to diagnose. For most cases, blood tests are needed to show low iron levels and anemia. However, there are also causes that must be ascertained through a number of tests and identification under the supervision of doctors to get the right diagnosis.

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