Jungkook BTS Warns Sasaeng Not To Send Food Home
Jungkook BTS (Calvin Klein)

JAKARTA - Jungkook BTS warned sasaeng not to send food to his home. He wrote a notification via the Weverse fan community that can be accessed by the public.

"Don't send food to my house. I won't eat even if you send it," Jungkook wrote on Thursday, May 4 evening.

"As I am grateful for what you guys did, I eat well. So buy for yourself," he continued.

The youngest member of BTS said he would take firm action if the action was still carried out by the sasaeng. Sasaeng is a term for those who follow or bypass the privacy of public figures.

"I ask you. If you send it once again, I will see the order number and take firm action. So please stop it," Jungkook concluded.

Jungkook is known to often share recipes and activities while at home. Some of the recipes went viral and became popular with fans.

After BTS announced it was focused on solo projects, Jungkook made a lot of live broadcasts to fans.

He is also a campaign model for Calvin Klein brands and carries out other activities. On the other hand, some BTS members are also busy with solo activities, one of which is the release of their debut album.

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