After Lebaran, Venna Melinda Ready To Face The KDRT Session Ferry Irawan At The Kediri District Court
Venna Melinda (doc. Istinewa)

JAKARTA - Venna Melinda revealed the progress of the trial for alleged domestic violence (KDRT) conducted by Ferry Irawan at the Kediri District Court (PN).

After the Eid holiday, Venna said the trial would resume. Verrell Bramasta's mother herself has attended the trial as a reporting witness some time ago.

"As far as I know, after Eid, there will be another trial. But most importantly, as a witness, I have clarified and told the real facts about domestic violence in the trial," said Venna Melinda to the media crew at her residence in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta on Wednesday, April 26.

Venna said she was relieved to have revealed what she experienced when she received bad treatment from Ferry Irawan at a hotel in Kediri last January in front of the panel of judges.

The 50-year-old woman was also grateful after feeling a lot of suitability with what she said at the trial with what was in the Investigation Report (BAP).

Venna also stated that several expert witnesses had testified at the trial. Among them are psychologists who revealed Venna's mental condition after the incident of domestic violence and doctors who examined Venna's nose wound, which had suffered injuries due to domestic violence.

"As a witness, I have been summoned. Yesterday, a psychologist from the Regional Police, a doctor who specializes in nasal bone, has testified all of them. Then the rib doctor has conveyed," said Venna.

With two cases still ongoing, where another case is Ferry Irawan's divorce suit at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Venna chose to submit the entire process and the results to the trial.

"The version is whether I don't want to think about it anymore. Because I believe the judge has a conscience, the public prosecutor also has an independent mind. Likewise, the divorce case will still run. It's still a long time, yes, I have to be healthy, I have to be optimistic, "concluded Venna Melinda.

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