This Is The Vitamin Infusion Effect While Fasting Skin Doctors
Illustration (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - A skin specialist who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) dr. Arini Widodo, SpKK explained that serum injection and vitamin infusion did not have a different effect if done while fasting.

"For intradermal injection (injection on the skin) which is often done in beauty clinics, there is no difference regarding the effect on fasting or not fasting. There is no difference in results when doing serum injection or vitamin infusion," Arini said as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

One type of treatment carried out at beauty clinics is vitamin C infusions. The treatment will provide benefits to the skin such as brightening the skin, disguising black spots and scars, reducing fine lines, and protecting the skin from sunlight.

Although it does not give different results, however, Arini said this treatment would be technically more difficult to perform while fasting. Because, when fasting the body is dehydrated or lack of fluids.

Intravenous injections (to blood vessels), said Arini, are technically more difficult to do in a state of dehydration.

In most cases, fasting does not have more side effects on the body when given serum injection and vitamin infusion compared to when you are not fasting. The most common side effects are pain and swelling at the injection site," Arini explained.

Before injecting serum and vitamin infusion at beauty clinics, Arini appealed to patients to consult a doctor first because not everyone can get that treatment. People with kidney disease or kidney stone history, said Arini, must avoid high doses of vitamin C because it can increase the risk of kidney damage.

Vitamins in excessive quantities can cause a vitamin overdose condition and cause a bad effect. Therefore, doses and frequencies must be determined and evaluated by competent doctors in their fields, especially in someone with certain medical conditions," said Arini.

Arini also assessed that consulting a doctor before vitamin infusion or serum injection was important to see if the treatment was in accordance with the needs.

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