Rejecting Allegations Of Domestic Violence, Rizal Djibran Reports His Ex-Wife Back To The Police
Rizal Djibran and his attorney at the Metro Jaya Police (doc. Special)

JAKARTA - Rizal Djibran's feud with his ex-wife, Sarah, is heating up. The 45-year-old actor did not accept that his wife reported him on charges of committing acts of Domestic Violence (KDRT).

After suing Sarah for divorce some time ago, Rizal seemed dissatisfied and reported his wife back to the police. Rizal feels his good name has been tarnished.

"On the agenda this time, I, together with my lawyers and witnesses, also reported back the accusations, the slander that fell on me against whom I reported, my ex-wife Sarah," said Rizal Djibran to the media crew at Metro Jaya Police on Wednesday, 15 March 2023.

However, when asked further about what problem actually occurred between him and Sarah, Rizal stated the question

"Actually, if asked about the main problem, please ask the S side what is the main problem because I myself don't have a problem," he said.

Even so, Rizal did not deny that his household was having problems. Furthermore, Rizal regretted Sarah's actions in reporting him, so he inevitably made a report back.

"Yes, every household must have a problem and actually we can solve it properly," he said.

Rizal Djibran himself on March 3 was examined as a reported witness at Metro Jaya Police. After undergoing an examination, he denied all accusations from Sarah and her attorney.

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