Admits The Truth Of The Incident Of Throwing Billiards At Lesty Kejora, Rizky Billar: Just A Story
Rizky Billar (YouTube CURHAT BANG Denny Sumargo)

JAKARTA - Almost six months passed, Rizky Billar finally talked about the Domestic Violence (KDRT) case against his wife, Lesty Kejora for the first time in public.

Billar talked about the moment when he threw a billiard ball at Lesty which was caught on CCTV on a podcast uploaded by BANG's CURHAT YouTube channel Denny Sumargo.

Muhammad Leslar Al Fatih's father did not deny the incident, which had become a wide public discussion. However, he agreed with the assessment of many parties.

"Regarding the incident, it did exist, but it's not true, because the throwing was not true," said Rizky Billar, launching the YouTube channel CURHAT BANG Denny Sumargo, Friday, March 10.

Billar stated that he didn't really want to throw a billiard ball at his wife. He said that what was shown in the CCTV broadcast was just strikes.

"At that time I was emotional, then I slammed it to throw it, but I fell," he explained.

Billar himself admitted that he was aware that what he was doing was not true, even though it was just a scheme. He regretted not being able to control his emotions at that time.

"I was just, not just, this is something that cannot be justified. After all, I am a man, as an priest, must set a good example and must be able to control my emotions," said Billar.

"At that time there was indeed a reason why I did such an act. But again, it was not a justified act," he continued.

He also tried to confirm to Denny Sumargo as the host that at that time he really had no intention of injuring the mother of his child.

"I believe, for God's sake, for God's sake, I have no intention of harming my wife. There was no intention of harming my wife at that time. I had no intention of hurting the mother of my child. It was only at that time that I wanted to bully," he concluded.

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