Victims Of Domestic Violence Need Assistance, Venna Melinda Complained To Komnas Perempuan
Venna Melinda (Photo: IG @vennamelindareal)

JAKARTA - Venna Melinda visited the National Commission (Komnas) on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Positioning herself as a victim of Domestic Violence (KDRT), the mother of Verrell Bramasta came to report what she had experienced.

"So, today, I want to make a complaint as well as consult with Komnas Perempuan. So, in this case, I want to convey several things about my domestic violence case," said Venna Melinda at the Komnas Perempuan office, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, February 14, 2023.

Venna felt that she was unable to face the domestic violence she experienced alone. For him, victims of domestic violence need a companion. The victims need to be mentally strengthened and assisted to fight for justice.

"We need institutions in this republic that can help all domestic violence victims to continue to advance in their legal cases, have a strong mentality, continue to be able to seek justice," he said.

With her arrival at Komnas Perempuan, Venna hopes to gain enlightenment about the domestic violence case she is currently undergoing.

"Hopefully, God willing, with my arrival at Komnas Perempuan which I am sure that later my presence will get enlightenment, will get one view. Because of what I feel there are many things that I will not be able to fight for myself," he said.

He hopes that he will be brightened after visiting Komnas Perempuan. "That's why we have to have efforts too. And this is one that I tried and I'm sure. God willing, after we have a meeting, there are several things that might become my strength in the future," he concluded.

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