Mother, Do An Early Examination Of Sevix Cancer To Avoid Death Risks
Cancer Illustration (Photo: Pexels)

JAKARTA - cervical cancer is one of the causes of death in Indonesian women. According to Global Cancer Observatory 2020 data, breast cancer has the highest number of new cases in Indonesia at 65,858 cases or 16.6 percent of the total 396,914 cancer cases.

cervical cancer (uterine neck) ranks second with a total of 36,633 cases or 9.2 percent of the total cancer cases. With 21,003 deaths from cervicals.

Therefore, the Ministry of Health again reminded the public not to be reluctant to check or make early detections of cervical cancer in order to reduce the death rate due to the disease, most of which are suffered by women.

"In Indonesia, this cervical cancer ranks 2nd. The 2nd is the number, the 2nd is the case and death rate. Why so many? Apart from the risk factors that cause cervical cancer, two are early detection programs in Indonesia that have not run optimally. So the meeting is always in advanced stages, finally the death rate is high," said Ministry of Health Epidemiologist dr. Sylviana Andinisari, M.Sc quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, February 2.

Sylvia also revealed that the reason women are reluctant to detect cervical cancer early is because they feel embarrassed and afraid to know the results of their examination.

"Most of them have been surveyed so far, why don't we want to check, one because they are embarrassed, two don't want to know what the results are. Because they are afraid," he explained.

Meanwhile, Obstetric and Gynecology Specialist dr. Boy Abidin, Sp.OG(K) revealed that early detection is very necessary even though they do not feel any complaints. Because if a complaint arises, according to Boy, it has entered the symptoms of the cancer stage.

Interestingly, this process of change did not happen suddenly. What we often find, patients come already in stage 2 and even stage 4. So that's the importance of early detection," Boy explained.

If there have been complaints of bleeding after intercourse, repeated whiteness, and sometimes accompanied by blood to smell, and pelvic pain, there are symptoms of cancer in general, it can be said that the detection is late.

Boy said that women who are required to do an early examination of cervical cancer are not only those who are married. However, those who have had sexual activity need to have an early examination. Especially for those who do this under the age of 20.

If cervical cancer is as young as it is, those who have had sexual intercourse need to be detected early. Until 65 years old it needs detection. Because life expectancy is considered below 70, said Boy.

Those who have had sexual intercourse under the age of 20 need to do early detection because the cells are still vulnerable. "Once the HPV virus enters, the damage occurs," said Boy.

Early detection is also very important because the virus travel process that causes cervical cancer only appears after 5 to 20 years. Before it's too late, women also need to do early detection and do it every 5 years.

"Starting from the normal stage, then pre-exploring and entering this cancer stage, there is a process of traveling 5 to 20 years. So the virus came in maybe 5 or 10 years ago. He didn't have any complaints. Because it wasn't early detection, then he had entered the pre-drain stage. So the entry of the virus did not immediately become cancer, "explained Boy.

"Single parents who have not carried out husband and wife activities are also permanent. If they have done husband and wife activities, there is a possibility that the virus will enter. So it must be detected," he concluded.

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