Critical Domestic Violence, Hotman Paris Calls Ferry Irawan's Family Having Different MEANs
Hotman Paris during a press conference in the Pondok Pinang area, South Jakarta (Ivan Two Putra/VOI)

JAKARTA - Hotman Paris Hutapea as Venna Melinda's attorney for the alleged domestic violence (KDRT) case responded to several statements by Ferry Irawan's family.

As previously known, two weeks after Venna's report on the alleged act of domestic violence in Kediri on January 8, Ferry Irawan's family began expressing their opinion on Venna's many statements.

Ferry Irawan's family doubted Venna's statement regarding the injuries to the nose, Ferry's treatment for the last 3 months and an apology from Ferry's family.

Hotman Paris and Venna Melinda highlighted the contradictory statement from Ferry Irawan and his family. During an examination at the East Java Regional Police, Ferry said that Venna beat herself to the point of bleeding from the nose. On another occasion, Ferry's family stated that Venna's blood came out of Venna's nose looked like a mess.

"So, from that side, two of the arguments have contradicted each other. There (Ferry Irawan) said he (Venna Melinda) hit himself, now his statement (the Ferry family) states that it is my husband," said Hotman Paris during a press conference in the Pondok Pinang area, South Jakarta on Wednesday, January 1.

Hotman also doubted the apology conveyed by Ferry's family. According to him, by holding press conferences many times, the Ferry family had different intentions.

"How to apologize, people have held press conferences many times, in fact they deny everything, right. Instead, we deny that that's why we are confused, many times in press conferences on behalf of the family saying it was as if Ferry was the right one," said Hotman.

Regarding Ferry Irawan's mother who visited Venna's house on Sunday, January 29 yesterday, Hotman also questioned the motive for the visit. "Yes, we don't know what to do. But what is clear, if the intention is good, why do we hold press conferences many times," he said.

"Reporting as if his (Venna) report was not true, and then it came after the case went viral but brought reporters. What does that mean? Is that the attitude of a mother who loves her son-in-law? " concluded Hotman.

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