According To Research, Here Are 5 How To Maintain A Normal And Healthy Heart Rate
Illustration of normal heart rate and healthy heart rate (Freepik/DCstudio)

YOGYAKARTA The heart rate refers to the number of times the heart beats every minute. A lower break in heart rate, can mark good health.

A person's heart rate can suddenly jump up in response to many factors. Among them, stress, emotional conditions, and things in the environment. A way to deal with sudden changes in heart rate, experts recommend practicing internal naming techniques, relaxing, walking, taking a walk, taking a warm bath, practicing stretching, and yoga. To keep your heart rate healthy for a long time, it is recommended to undergo healthy habits. Because then it can affect heart rate during physical activity or stress periods.

meta-analysis research in 2018, found that regular exercise can consistently lower rest rates. Although each type of exercise is useful for keeping the heart rate at rest not too high, reported Medical News Today, Sunday, December 4, yoga and endurance may be the most useful.

The heart rate of rest can be reduced when drinking 335 milliliters of mineral water. According to research in 2017, it shows that the decrease in heart rate continues for 30 minutes after drinking. That means it's important for you to make sure you drink enough mineral water because it can lower your heart rate.

Foods and supplements rich in antioxidants and healthy fats can lower blood pressure so that the heart is easier to pump blood. Foods rich in antioxidants include fruit, vegetables, protein without fat, and seeds. According to research in 2021, it shows that alpha-lipoatic acid is an antioxidant compound that effectively lowers blood pressure. In addition, potassium-rich foods and reduce sodium load also contribute to lowering blood pressure. For this reason, it can improve heart health by selecting more healthy nutritious foods.

The chronic lack of sleep does not only make the heart work even more severe. But it also puts pressure on the whole body. A 2020 study found that when the hours of sleep deviate from sleep usually, the break rate increases. That is, make sure to get enough sleep so as not to disturb the rhythm of the heartbeat.

Psychologically, seeing the green landscape in the park can help the body and mind relax more. This is in line with the findings of 2018 research that spending time outdoors can help reduce physical and psychological stress.

Normal heart rate is in the range of 60-100 beats per minute (bpm). When doing activities, such as moderate exercise, the average increase is 50-70 percent than usual. Meanwhile, when undergoing severe activity, the range of healthy heart rate is between 70-85 percent of the maximum heart rate. To control health, it is recommended to check your heart rate every week.

On top of the five ways to lower your heart rate to rest and keep your heart healthy based on the facts in the study. You can practice it and get used to these healthy behaviors.

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