The Reason Kang Tae Oh Can't Come To Bali
Kang Tae Oh in the drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo

JAKARTA - Kang Tae Oh will carry out his mandatory military service after the drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo is finished. Reportedly he will leave between August or September.

The decision prevented him from traveling outside due to preparations leading up to his military enlistment. So, Kang Tae Oh couldn't join the trip to Bali that was scheduled for the director and cast of drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo's vacation.

Kang Tae Oh, who is better known for his comedic acting, looks different through his new role. But that is also the reason why he chose Extraordinary Attorney Woo.

“I think it's appropriate to call this drama fresh and warm. When I first read the script, I felt the atmosphere was very strong and I wanted to join,” explained Kang Tae Oh to Singles Magazine.

Kang Tae Oh admitted that it was difficult to play his new character in the Korean drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo. In an interview, he also shared his reasons for taking up this project.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo tells of Woo Young Woo (Park Eun Bin), a lawyer who is smart and has autism. He never forgets what he saw but he has difficulty communicating socially.

“Through stares and small reactions, I have to express my thoughts and mental support for Young Woo. Because this is not a character that requires extraordinary acting, it feels even more difficult," said Kang Tae Oh.

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