Look Beautiful And Classy With Diamonds Now It's No Longer Expensive
Beautiful appearance with diamonds (Photo: ist)

JAKARTA - Jewelry is one of the mandatory items to beautify your appearance. Unfortunately, many feel heavy because of the high price of jewelry. beliberlian.id tries to provide a solution by launching the concept of pocket-friendly gold and diamond jewelry.

PT. Cahaya Sani Vokasi presents its newest brand as a representation of the best, transparent, reliable and affordable jewelry to invite people to have diamond jewelry easily.

"Diamond jewelry in the current era is very easy to reach by many people of all ages in Indonesia. By spending only one million rupiah, you can bring home gold and diamond jewelry products," said Dhikdaya Manggala as Head of Marketing from beliberlian.id, Sunday, June 6th.

The company, which is engaged in jewelry manufacturing, will launch a new brand in the form of an online platform on June 8, 2022, which will be held simultaneously on the marketplace, website and social media and will also be launched exclusively on blibli.com.

"With a dynamic, friendly, and friendly style, this jewelry looks beautiful from the designs that will be launched to collaborate with the market of all ages. Beliberlian.id products have undoubted quality and even compete on the international stage," said Sastavia as Markom of beliberlian. .id.

The whole process of making jewelry is done in detail, accurately and also professionally. "We hope that consumers who buy diamond jewelry for the first time will not hesitate to feel buying diamonds, because consumers often feel that diamond jewelry is not affordable. With our motto "your emotion bring us here" means that we listen to the market's will and also its needs," he added.

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