Purification Before Nyepi In The Melasti Ceremony
Illustration (Artem Beliaikin/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Nyepi is a routine tradition carried out by all Hindus in Bali. There are several ceremonial sessions carried out by Hindus before carrying out chess brata retreat. One of these sessions is the implementation of the Melasti ceremony. This ceremony is part of the self-purification carried out by all Hindus in Bali.

The Melasti ceremony is a major purification ritual carried out by Balinese Hindus. This ritual is usually done before Nyepi Day. Melasti ceremony in Bali is also known as Belis or Mekiis. This Melasti ceremony aims to cleanse oneself of all dirty thoughts, including cleansing the universe.

Melasti ceremony also means to wash away the impurities of nature using the water of life. In Hindu belief, water sources such as lakes and seas are considered the origin of tirta amerta or water of life. These water sources provide life for all living things, including human beings. For this reason, Melasti ceremonies are held in special places such as in the sea, lakes, or sacred springs.

Well, if you want to see the Melasti ceremony at sea or on the beach, try coming to Sanur Beach and Kuta Beach. Both beaches are commonly used to perform Melasti ceremonies. But if you want to watch the melasti ceremony around the lake, you can see it at Lake Beratan in the Bedugul area. Or it could be in Goa Rangreng. There is a river that can also be used to do Melasti.

In carrying out the Melasti ceremony, Hindus are required to wear white Balinese clothes as their tops. While the Balinese sarong is used as a subordinate. In addition, you will find many offerings, umbrellas, banners, weapons of the Dewata Nawa Sanga, and traditional music accompaniment of the Baleganjur type. You will also see some special people bring gamelan to accompany the Melasti ceremonial music. Can you imagine how busy this ceremony is?

Before carrying out the ritual, usually the committee will provide a table or stage that is positioned with its back to the sea or lake. This table is a place to put various sacred instruments of worship from the temple along with various types of offerings.

All members of the group then sat cross-legged facing the ranks of the worship equipment and offerings, as well as facing the source of holy water. Then, the local stakeholders will lead the procession of the ceremony. After the prayer is finished, the stakeholder will sprinkle holy water on the people who are present as well as on sacred objects. Then, these objects are brought back to the temple after being purified. It aims to maintain the peace of the universe.

The interesting thing that can be seen from the Melasti ceremony is that you will see how Hindus carry out the cleansing process. This purification is intended for Buana Alit and Buana Agung. Buana Alit is a symbol of the human body. So the thing that is cleared here is the mind and the heart. Cleaned from all bad prejudice, bad attitude, and bad behavior. While Buana Agung is the universe. Then purified with the symbol of the gods.

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