Ernest Prakasa's Best Gift At Valentine's 2022 Moment: Take Care Of Prokes
Ernest Prakasa (Alit Bagus/VOI)

JAKARTA - For some people, February is a special one because there is a moment of love or Valentine's Day which is usually celebrated every February 14th. Many take advantage of this day by giving happiness to someone who is considered special.

Chocolates and flowers are usually objects that are commonly given at this time. However, for Ernest Prakasa, this is not something that must be done, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which is currently still engulfing Indonesia.

"Yes, considering the conditions are like this, it seems that the best love offering for us to give to our loved ones is to maintain the best possible health protocol (Prokes), discipline as possible," said Ernest when met by at Epicentrum XXI, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday 3 February 2022, evening.

"Even though we have to leave the house, have to work and various other needs, we can still maintain at least minimizing the risk. So when we go home the family can be in good condition," he added.

This comic and director admitted that he had celebrated Valentine's Day long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country. "In the past, when we were still dating, we were still so young. Now we have four heads, it's a waste," he concluded.

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