Maura Magnalia Dies Of Heart Attack, Nurul Arifin: Frustration Due To Pandemic
Mayong and Nurul Arifin

JAKARTA - The death of Maura Magnalia Madyaratri made the couple Nurul Arifin and Mayong Suryolaksono grieve. Maura died on Tuesday, January 25. As a mother, Nurul admits that she has a hunch because she is always worried about Maura.

"For the past few days I have been thinking about how Maura is, how is Maura. In my unstable condition I feel that I have to continue to accompany. Even though work is also going on, yes. But what happened last night, this is for the best. Maybe Maura doesn't want to burden everyone, " said Nurul at the funeral home, Cinere, Depok, Tuesday, January 25.

Nurul remembers Maura as a very beautiful, smart, intelligent child. "Maybe it's because he's intelligent, he's eccentric, he has tattoos all over his body, he also wears piercings. If I forbid him, he says 'Don't ban me, because that's part of my satisfaction'. Being the son of a politician isn't easy. eventually ran into his own body," recalled Nurul.

As parents, they did not expect Maura to die so quickly. "Last night at 1 o'clock I was still chatting with Mas Mayong. Half five maids woke up, he was already asleep at the dining table, when he picked it up it was cold," said Nurul.

Mayong revealed his last conversation with his daughter. "He said he was accepted for a job in Bali, it was still a rather difficult time. School was over but he couldn't graduate. On the other hand, he had to look for work. From several applications, there was one who asked him to come but in Bali. For example, he is still alive. , today I recommend a follow-up," he said.

Nurul said that his son wanted to become a lecturer after graduating from master's degree because he likes to teach like his father. Unfortunately, Maura's condition prevented her from attending the graduation. "Our concern is that March is whether we can go to Australia for graduation. What I see now, this is a form of frustration. Maybe the result of the pandemic is that many of these prohibitions have made him not free to express, make friends, his frustration is rather deep," explained Nurul Arifin.

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