Adding Excitement, Ben And Jody Expand The Philosophy Genre Of Coffee Into An Action Film
Chicco Jericho

JAKARTA - The Coffee Philosophy Film is growing. The story and the cast of the film, starring Chicco Jerikho and Rio Dewanto, are getting more interesting by including action elements in their new film titled Ben and Jody.

Ben and Jody's film will take viewers on a thrilling adventure with Ben and Jody's action in helping the residents of Wanareja Village. Together with Rinjani, Tambora, Jago, and Musang, they fight against the illegal logging gang Aa Tubir.

"We are trying to develop the IP of the Filosofi Kopi universe. Expanding the cross genre, so Ben and Jodi. With the response from the audience in the previous film, we are convinced," said Chicco, who also acts as a producer.

Met at Epicentrum, South Jakarta, Wednesday, January 5th. He admitted that Filosofi Kopi's audience was insignificant when compared to other box offices. "Indeed, we did not reach millions of viewers, but the impact is extraordinary. Many coffee industries that used to be small have become big ones," he explained.

In Ben and Jody's film, Chicc wants to convey something more, not just developing coffee. "But we add something more by adding the action genre. This is my third action film. The challenge requires physical and stamina that is fit for each scene. Apart from concentration and focus. But the drama is still there," said Chicco.

Interestingly, the village sets made in this film are purely brand new. They do not use the existing village.

"The set that was built was a full set from an empty forest. From his house to the village of Wana Raja. This was made in West Java but the name was not made specifically according to a particular ethnic group. The issues we are talking about here are about the transfer of land functions, and marginalized indigenous peoples. How can you fight for it," he explained.

Chicco Jerikho said one of the challenges one had to face was filming early in the pandemic. The cast and crew of Bena and Jody had to adjust. "Every film has definite preparations, because when shooting was the beginning of the pandemic. So from start to finish, we followed a very strict protocol," he said.

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