Is It True That Makmum 2 Makes You Afraid Of Prayer? This Is What Director Guntur Soeharjanto Said
Director Guntur Soeharjanto (Photo: MD PIctures)

JAKARTA - Makmum 2, starring Titi Kamal, Marcella Zalianty, and Samuel Rizal, will hit theaters on December 30. This film is expected to make the audience enthusiastic about returning to the cinema. The previous Makmum film was successful in Indonesia and Malaysia.

In Malaysia, this film broke the record as this film was recorded as the first best-selling Indonesian film in Malaysia in 2018/2019. During its broadcast in Malaysia, Makmum managed to get revenue of up to IDR 19.5 billion in 25 days of broadcast.

Even the success of this film had made citizens afraid to pray alone. Responding to this, Director Guntur hopes that Makmum 2 can break the stigma.

"That's a wrong stigma. We should only fear Allah, our creator. We can't lose to the devil. Makmum 2, actually fight it. We can't lose to the devil. We have God," said Guntur at Epicentrum, South Jakarta, Thursday, December 23.

According to Guntur Makmum 2, the story is more complex, deeper in exploring today's life. "With more and more challenges, the horror adrenaline is also more intense. It presents a lot of tension. Hopefully, Indonesian films will have more audiences with Makmum 2," he explained.

The success of Makmum started with a successful short film with the same title. "We want to give Makmum fans a better experience by working on the sequel more seriously. I hope the audience can enjoy this film at the end of the year," said Dee Company producer Dheeraj Kalwani.

Dheeraj Kalwani admitted Makmum 2 will be broadcast on 245 screens in Indonesia. Broadcasting in Malaysia, is still adjusted to local conditions. "The condition of cinemas in Malaysia is not as good as Indonesia's. Because Omicron is going crazy there. But we are trying to run it on the same date as in Indonesia," he said.

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