Ernest Prakasa Combines Thriller And Drama In Teka Teki Tika
Tika Puzzle director and cast (Dance/VOI)

JAKARTA - The Teka Teki Tika film is Ernest Prakasa's latest work, which was worked on in the midst of a pandemic. Starring Sheila Dara cs, this film is her new adventure in the world of directing.

Tika Puzzles were written and worked on in the midst of a pandemic. Therefore, she tries to try something new by blending thriller and family drama.

"When the stress of the pandemic keeps wanting to write funny things, it's so boring that I want to explore. I made several story ideas, there was horror, there was action, but this production is quite pandemic-friendly, right," said Ernest Prakasa at a press conference Friday, December 16.

"I try to mix elements of mystery, family drama, and a little comedy spice as a refreshing concoction, both for myself, and hopefully, for the audience in the future," he said.

This time, Ernest appointed Sheila Dara as the main character. Sheila also experienced various challenges to liven up the imagination of the director.

"Tika's character is quite detailed, it was born from her imagination, Sister Ernest, so one of the insights is that I talk a lot with Ernest," said Sheila Dara.

Morgan Oey also got a new role as Andre, Mr. Budiman's son who lives a relaxed life.

"It just so happens that Ernest is very helpful for characteristics for Andre. Ko Ernest also writes differently and wants to try new genres. Regardless of the character, I'm happy to be in this project," said Morgan.

This film also brings Ernest together with a new talent, Tansri Kemala. "So far I've only seen from afar. I am happy to be entrusted to Ernest and the team. From the start, the talent guys were really good, I was guided," said Tansri.

Teka Teki Tika tells the story of a woman named Tika (Sheila Dara) who comes to Pak Budiman's (Ferry Salim) house and claims to be his son. Tika also knows every conflict and secret of family members.

The Teka Teki Tika film directed by Ernest Prakasa will be released in theaters starting December 23, 2021.

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