Febby Rastanti Feels Comfortable With Dikta In Love Of Fate
Love and Fate

JAKARTA - The romantic drama film, Love of Fate will air on the KlikFilm application starting on November 19, 2021. The film, starring Pradikta Wicaksono and Febby Rastanti, is directed by Eddy Prasetya, who previously directed a teen drama genre film, entitled Malik & Elsa.

Eddy Prasetia is interested in working on this film because the story in this film produced by Falcon Pictures is different from other films. “I was interested in working on this film, because of the story. if you usually break up love relationships because the guy has a mistress or a third person. If it's different here, it turns out that love relationships can break because of commitment, they prefer work, "he explained.

Pradikta Wicaksono, who plays the character Arjuna, said he was very happy to be involved in this film, because everything was done naturally.

"This is my 5th film. Indeed, I play romance genre films. It's just that every film has its own story. Well, I like this because the story is simple, but I can say a lot. In this film, it's like we're not shooting, everything is done naturally. Our shooting location is really fun, especially Febbi likes to make jokes on the set," said the man who is familiarly called Dikta.

Meanwhile, Febby Rastanti admitted that she was happy to have the opportunity to compete with Dikta. “There are no difficulties, fortunately here I play with good and cooperative people, I am also happy to be able to play with Dikta. I started this person if you feel lacking, always want to improve. Luckily, Mas Eddy and the other team support all of them," said the former member of the Blink girl band.

Febby admitted that he was comfortable with Dikta because he was always open to communication. "Dikta really likes reading. We like to joke so we can get chemistry," he explained. Apart from Dikta and Febby Rastanti, the film Love of Fate is played by Kukuh Riyadi, Aksarana Dena, Agus Kencrot and others.

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