Enjoyable Sex Life, Every Couple Has These 10 Habits
Illustration of a fun sex life (Freepik/Racool Studio)

JAKARTA – An enjoyable sex life fosters relationships. Having a healthy sex life with your partner is also fun. So, what are the signs if you and your partner's sexual life is fun?

There are no definite signs, but as reported by WebMD, Wednesday, November 10, the habits below contribute to building a happy love life. Do you and your partner have the following habits?

1. Define sex broadly

Pleasant sexual relationships tend to be understood explicitly. Whereas couples who have a pleasant sex life have a different perspective on sexual relations.

Making love is not only about penetration and satisfaction, but according to studies, being physically and emotionally close to your partner can be a sign that you are both in a healthy place.

2. Both have knowledge about sexuality

Sexuality or related to sex drive and role is known to every couple who has a pleasant sexual life. For example, recognizing more about each other's physical erogenous zones, how much stimulation is needed, and what excites you and your partner can take your sex life to a healthier level.

3. Mutual physical contact

One way to build connection and trust is physical contact. Sex therapists refer to this technique as sensation focus. This is an exercise to explore how different types of touch make you feel sensations.

This exercise also reduces pressure to achieve sexual 'goals' such as penetration or orgasm. If the partner practices sensual touch, then closeness and intimacy are more enjoyable.

kehidupan seksual yang menyenangkan
Illustration of a couple having a fun life (Unplash/Jayson Henrichsen)
4. Trust each other

Research shows that couples who are not honest about what they do tend to feel dissatisfied in the bedroom. So, a partner who can be trusted or trusts each other can make it more comfortable. This means tell each other if libido decreases or difficulty reaching orgasm. That way, each partner can work on each other.

5. Flexible

Regarding what you like, how often you want sex, and how important sex is, it's different for each couple. It is associated with increasing age, physical health, and the stresses of everyday life.

Meanwhile, couples who remain curious and flexible about their sexual needs tend to feel better about themselves. The best effect can pave the way for a more satisfying sex life.

6. Taking time

Enjoying sex is related to the smallest elements in the body, namely the female hormones estrogen and testosterone in men. The rise and fall of these hormones is influenced by various things, including age. Couples who try to set aside enough time, can enjoy sex more.

7. Couples who experiment

Position, movement, touch, and stimuli that are just like that often make you feel less sensation. Well, couples who experiment and try new variations can increase the sensation so that they feel more climax.

8. Serve each other

Research shows that couples who care about satisfying their partners are happier. This means serving each other when making love also plays a role in fulfilling your sexual fantasies and your partner.

9. Looking for satisfaction

Activities that support desire are usually carried out by every couple who has a pleasant sexual life. They laugh together, exercise, make projects together, and do other activities that make them happy. This helps build and strengthen response pathways, helping each partner to become more aroused.

10. Not obsessed with orgasms

Orgasm needs to be pursued by every couple. This is evidenced by researchers at the University of Toronto who found couples who believe that hard work and effort can enjoy a happy intimate relationship. But climax is not the goal of every sexual relationship, this is understood by every couple who is satisfied with their sex life. Touching in a sensual way or connected in any form is enough to build closeness.

Do the 10 habits above you and your partner have?

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