Acting PPP Chairman Muhammad Mardiono said that he would be responsible in the world and the hereafter regarding the PPP's vote results in the 2024 election. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

JAKARTA - The results of the 2024 election will make new history for the United Development Party (PPP). For the first time in history, the party bearing the Kaaba symbol was thrown out of Senayan because its vote share was below the parliamentary threshold of 4%. According to the KPU, PPP's vote acquisition was 5,878,777 or the equivalent of 3.87%. However, Acting PPP Chairman Muhammad Mardiono emphasized that their internal data is different from the KPU. That's why they submitted a General Election Results Dispute (PHPU) request to the Constitutional Court. Regardless of the PHPU results, Mardiono emphasized that he will be responsible in the afterlife for the PPP's vote acquisition in the 2024 election. This is the complete interview with the VOI team at the PPP DPP, Menteng, Central Jakarta, recently.

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