Note! These Are The Requirements For Getting Tuition Assistance Of Rp. 2.4 Million Per Student
Illustration (Photo: Doc. University of Indonesia)

JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbud Ristek) Nadiem Makarim emphasized that the government is committed to assisting the community in obtaining education.

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Culture said that it would provide tuition assistance of Rp. 2.4 million for students for semesters 3, 5, and 7 in this new academic year.

"We will distribute a total of IDR 745 billion to continue the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) assistance for students affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," he said during a virtual press conference with Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, Wednesday, August 4.

Nadiem added that his party would provide UKT assistance to 310,508 students or equivalent to 74 percent of active students, which reached 419,605 people throughout Indonesia.

So, what are the requirements to get tuition assistance? Here's a summary of the VOI for readers.

1. The UKT assistance provided is of cost or in accordance with the UKT amount, with a maximum limit of IDR 2.4 million

2. If UKT is greater than Rp. 2.4 million, then the difference between UKT and Rp. 2.4 million is the university's policy according to student conditions.

3. Recipient students are students who are actively studying (not on leave or dropout/DO)

4. Not a student receiving other assistance, such as the KIP Lecture (Kartu Indonesia Pintar/KIP), nor a Bidik Misi student

5. Prove yourself as a student who needs financial assistance to meet the 2021/2022 odd semester fees

6. Students who need UKT assistance register themselves to their respective universities

7. Then, the university leadership proposes prospective students who receive UKT assistance to the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology

8. If the data has been properly validated, the Ministry of Education and Culture will directly distribute assistance to their respective universities.

To note, the UKT aid budget is included in the social protection scheme (Perlinsos) with a total value of Ro187.84 trillion. Meanwhile, several other sectors included in the Social Security scheme are cash assistance, basic food cards, rice assistance, electricity subsidies, and the Pre-Employment Card program.

Meanwhile, the Perlinsos fund is part of the National Economic Recovery budget listed in the 2021 State Budget with a total amount of IDR 744.75 trillion.

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