Optimistic Of Weaving Products From Bima NTB To Enter The Export Market, Sandiaga Uno: God Willing, This Product Will Reach The International Arena
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno is optimistic that home products from the traditional weaving of the Ntobo community, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, will be able to penetrate the export market.

"Currently, traditional weaving production has involved hundreds of weavers from the community. The market has been to Lombok to Jakarta. God willing, we will bring this product to the export market," said Sandiaga Uno during his visit to the weaving village in Ntobo, Bima Regency, quoted from Between, Monday 14 June.

In addition to looking at the quality, which he considers to be able to compete with other export products, the traditional weaving products of the Ntobo people also have a distinctive selling power, namely the various patterns.

"We will support creative products from Bima that can be marketed internationally," he said.

One form of support in marketing Bima's traditional weaving products, Sandiaga Uno said, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will expand its marketing through creative content and online sales.

"With creative content and online sales, we can certainly penetrate the export market," he said.

He also hopes for all parties, especially the local community to help market this traditional woven product by utilizing existing social media.

"This COVID-19 pandemic forces us to improve our skills. Not only create, but also sell online and create creative content. So let's support it, because this is an opportunity to revive our economy, move the people's economy, and create jobs as wide as possible. -the breadth," said Sandiaga Uno.

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