Left Far From Developed Countries, The Ministry Of Industry Calls The Indonesian Entrepreneurship Ratio Only 3.08 Percent
Director General of IKMA of the Ministry of Industry Reni Yanita (Doc. Ministry of Industry)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) stated that the entrepreneurship ratio in Indonesia has only reached 3.08 percent. This figure is quite far behind developed countries.

This was conveyed by the Director General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry Reni Yanita in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VII DPR at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, February 3.

"So, when compared to developed countries, Indonesia's entrepreneurship ratio is still very small at 3.08 percent," said Reni.

Meanwhile, Reni said, to achieve the Golden Indonesia Vision in 2045, the Indonesian entrepreneurship ratio must increase to 12 percent.

"This entrepreneurship ratio is expected to be 12 percent. So, in the next 5 years based on the RPJMN (National Medium-Term Development Plan) this (must reach) 3.6 percent," he said.

According to Reni, one of the efforts that will be made by her party is to develop new entrepreneurial activities based on santri.

"So, the activities are WUB Santripreneur. Indeed, we continue to develop this activity in an effort to make the younger generation have their own jobs, even if they are able to create jobs for their friends or other generations," he said.

Then, said Reni, his party will also target new entrepreneurs in potential areas, left behind, borders, outermost and post-disaster areas.

In addition, he continued, his party also provides technical guidance and assistance in collaboration with other ministries/agencies.

Including, it develops apprenticeship activities to provide assistance to obtain a business identification number (NIB).

"So, we do call this the program the forerunner of IKM. Later the activity will be completed, he has NIB, then it will be equipped with a simple equipment machine (so that) these new entrepreneurs can operate immediately," he concluded.

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