Ministry Of Industry: Increased Cheap Gas Prices Have No Significant Impact On Industry
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) Febri Hendri Antoni Arif (Photo: dock. VOI)

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) Febri Hendri Antoni Arif responded to the increase in certain natural gas prices (HGBT) influenced by world oil price fluctuations.

Febri assessed that the most important thing for the industry is supply stability and price stability.

"The study (a result of the nominal increase in HGBT) at the Ministry of Industry does not yet exist. However, for important industries, supply stability and prices are important," said Febri, quoted on Friday, January 31.

He said that the increase in prices that were not too large was still acceptable to the industry.

"If the price goes up a little, actually, it's not too significant," he said.

Then, Febri gave an example of the price of HGBT for seven industrial sub-sectors, initially set at 6 US dollars per MMBTU, but at certain hours it could increase to 8 US dollars or 12 US dollars per MMBTU.

"This condition is very disturbing. However, if it goes up to US $ 0.5 per MMBTU with the supply still running smoothly, it can still be accepted by the industry," he said.

Previously, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bahlil Lahadalia said, the policy of cheap natural gas prices aka HGBT may no longer be US$6 per MMBTU (million cubic meters).

Even so, he ensured that HGBT recipients remained for seven industrial sectors, namely the fertilizer industry, petrochemicals, oleochemicals, steel, ceramics, glass glasses and rubber gloves.

"HGBT is no longer six US dollars, because now world gas prices are rising. Then the second, for HGBT raw materials from the gas the price is lower than the gas used for energy," Bahlil said as quoted by Antara.

Bahlil estimates that the gas used for energy costs approximately 7 US dollars per MMBTU, while the gas used for raw materials is around 6.5 US dollars.

Regarding industries that will receive cheap gas prices, Bahlil said the decision on the matter was final.

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