Getting To Know The Figure Of Firnedi Irawan, A Sharia-Based Housing Entrepreneur
Sharia property entrepreneur, Firmendi Irawan. (Photo: Special)

JAKARTA - Firnedi Irawan is a sharia-based property entrepreneur. His name has been taken into account in the world of sharia Indonesian properties.

In the midst of the development of today's times, usury or interest has spread into almost every aspect of the economy and transactions in the business world. The Riba refers to additional costs imposed on borrowing money or others.

Riba is considered something that is prohibited, because it causes injustice in economic transactions and exploitation of people who need help. Therefore, non-profit business is an attractive option for business people. Allah SWT obeys in the Qur'an, which means "And Allah has forbidden usury and has forbidden alms" (QS. Al-Baqarah: 275).

Based on this argument, a Firnedi Irawan runs the property business concept without usury. Before starting in the property business, the figure of Firnedi Irawan was only an agency property that since 2011 he aspired to become a housing developer.

It was only after 2013 that he started building small clusters so far that he has built 15 projects spread across Jabodetabek with schemes without usury, without gharar, and without wrongdoing.

Since childhood, his soul has been in business. This has been seen from several businesses that he has been running since early semester college, ranging from refilling water depots, to uniform convection.

In carrying out his business, the most important thing for Firnedi Irawan is to go through a sharia scheme, namely without usury, without gharar, and without wrongdoing. There is a lot of uncertainty in the trade, one of which is the job of a man with his hands and every buying and selling business. (HR. Ahmad, Al Bazzar, Ath Thobroni and others, from Ibnu Umar, Rofi' bin Khudaij, Abu Burdah bin Niyar.

After successfully building a business in the property sector, the figure of Firnedi Irawan together with his friends founded a free entrepreneur's cottage for orphans and poor people. He hopes that the students who memorize the Koran will not only memorize the Koran but also have the competence to become reliable entrepreneurs who obey the Shari'a.

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