IDX: There Are 17 Companies With Jumbo Antre IPO
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) reported that 17 large-scale rice companies were in line (pipeline) to hold an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the Indonesian capital market.

A total of 17 companies are categorized as large-scale rice fields with assets above Rp250 billion, referring to the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) Number 53/POJK.04/2017

IDX Corporate Assessment Director I Gede Nyoman Yetna, quoted by Antara, in Jakarta, Saturday, January 25, explained that in total there are 18 companies in the queue to hold an IPO in the Indonesian capital market.

In the queue, as many as 17 large-scale rice fields and one medium-scale rice company between Rp50 billion to Rp250 billion.

In terms of sectors, in the IPO queue there are six primary consumer goods sector companies, three industrial sector companies, and two energy sector companies.

Then, two health sector companies, two raw goods sector companies, one non-primary consumer goods sector company, one financial sector company, and one transportation & logistics sector company.

As of January 24, 2025, eight companies have held IPOs in the Indonesian capital market, with funds raised reaching IDR 3.70 trillion.

In the same period, eight emissions have been issued from seven debt securities and sukuk (EBUS) publishers with funds raised worth IDR 8.6 trillion.

On the other hand, until that period, there were 18 emissions from 14 EBUS publishers who were in line (pipeline) to issue EBUS emissions.

Meanwhile, for the rights issue, as of January 24, 2025, no listed companies have yet carried out the rights issue.

However, there are as many as seven companies listed in the queue to hold a rights issue in the Indonesian capital market, consisting of three companies in the raw goods sector, two energy sector companies, and two health sector companies.

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