The Government Disburses IDR 1,199.4 Trillion For Health To Social Security
Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara. (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) noted that throughout 2024, the government has realized a budget of IDR 1,199.4 trillion for health, education, and social protection for the poor and vulnerable.

"The state budget has distributed the direct budget received by the public, namely health spending, education spending, and spending on social protection," said Deputy Minister of Finance I Suahasil Nazara in a press conference on the KiTa State Budget, on Monday, January 6.

Suahasil menyampaikan realisasi tersebut terdiri dari anggaran kesehatan mencapai Rp194.4 triliun atau naik dibandingkan dengan tahun 2023 sebesar Rp185,5 triliun.

Meanwhile, Suahasil explained that this health budget was distributed to 96.7 million PBI JKN recipients, 55.4 thousand SEZ pregnant women who received additional food, 100 thousand thin toddlers who received additional food, and 8.1 million families with toddlers (children under two years of age or around 0-24 months) who received facilities and guidance.

Furthermore, for health insurance for approximately 4.6 million ASN/TNI/Polri/recipients of pension/veteran. Also, operational funding of IDR 12.8 trillion for 10,072 health centers.

Then for the education sector, the government has distributed a budget of IDR 550.4 trillion, this figure is higher than in 2023 which amounted to IDR 513.4 trillion.

Suahasil explained, the realization of this education was distributed to 21.1 million students of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP), 1.1 million students receiving KIP lectures, 1.6 million teachers receiving teacher professional allowances, 210 units building/rehab madrasas and religious schools, 53.2 million students receiving BOS funds, and LPDP scholarships to 58,597 students.

Furthermore, the realization of social protection reached Rp455.9 trillion, or an increase compared to 2023 which reached Rp436.2 trillion.

Suahasil explained that this realization consists of PKH elderly to 4.2 million people, attention to the elderly 51.6 thousand people, and food for the elderly to 100 thousand people, PKH with disabilities to 353.1 thousand people, attention to disability to 56 thousand people, and food with disabilities 33 people, attention to victims of disasters 11 thousand people, handling natural and non-natural disasters 684 thousand people.

Then for 3 kg LPG subsidies as much as 8.3 million metric tons, electricity subsidies to 41.5 million customers, KUR interest subsidies to 4.9 debtors, and fuel subsidies to 19.5 million K/L.

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