Government Disburses IDR 434.3 Trillion For Energy Subsidy And Compensation
Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara. (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reported that until the end of 2024 the realization of subsidies and energy compensation reached IDR 434.3 trillion for subsidy payments. This subsidy includes fuel oil (BBM), LPG, electricity, and fertilizer.

Deputy Minister of Finance I Suahasil Nazara explained that the realization consisted of diesel reaching Rp89.7 trillion with a total beneficiary of more than 4 million vehicles.

"The diesel price should be Rp. 11,950 per liter. However, what the public pays is only Rp. 6,800 per liter. The difference of Rp. 5,150 per liter is borne by the state budget," he said at the KiTa State Budget press conference, on Monday, January 6.

Furthermore, Pertalite's subsidy reached Rp56.1 trillion, which was absorbed by 157.4 million vehicles, where the price should have been Rp11,700, while the community only paid Rp10,000 per liter. So that the pertalite APBN covers Rp1,700 per liter.

Then, the realization of kerosene reached Rp4.5 trillion which was absorbed by 1.8 million households, where the price of kerosene should have been Rp. 11,150 per liter of price and the public only paid Rp. 2,500.

So that the difference covered by the state budget is Rp. 8,650.

Meanwhile, the realization of 3 kg LPG subsidies reached Rp80.2 trillion which was absorbed by 40.3 million customers and the subsidies borne by the government for 3 kg LPG reached Rp30,000 per cylinder, the actual price of one 3 kg LPG cylinder was Rp42,750 per tube, but the price paid by the public was Rp12,750 thousand per tube.

As for subsidized electricity, it reaches around 59.6 million subscribers with a total subsidy of IDR 156.4 trillion.

Furthermore, 900 VA household electricity should cost Rp1,800/KWH, after being covered by the APBN to Rp600/KWH. Meanwhile, the electricity for 900 VA non-subsidized prices should be Rp1,800/KWH, after being borne by the government it becomes Rp1,400/KWH.

Meanwhile, fertilizer subsidies to support the agricultural sector reached IDR 47.7 trillion. "Urea fertilizer per kilogram of the state budget pays approximately IDR 3,300 per kilogram. For NPK fertilizer, the state budget covers around IDR 8,500 per kilogram," he said.

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