Terminal 2F Of Soetta Airport Will Be A Special Place For Umrah And Hajj Services
Airport 2F Soetta (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Terminal 2F of Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Soetta) in Tangerang, Banten will be prepared as a special place for Umrah and Hajj flights. The plan, this terminal will first serve Umrah flights starting at the end of January 2025.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir admitted that he had received an assignment from President Prabowo Subianto to improve the Hajj and Umrah system so that it was transparent, accountable and comfortable.

The first step in this improvement, he said, was carried out by improving services at the airport. Given, the number of Hajj and Umrah participants from Indonesia is quite high. In fact, for Hajj participants, it can reach 241,000 per year. Meanwhile, for Umrah participants 10,000 per day.

"We are rearranging this, how there is a good mosque, there is a place for rituals, there is a good lounge, later I have also asked for it to be tidied up for regular, "said Erick while inspecting Terminal 2F of Soetta Airport, quoted Thursday, January 2.

Erick also advised that the 2F terminal repair should not only be carried out for VIP rooms but also other spaces.

"Don't just VIPs, not the middle class, but the other classes must be the same service priority," he said.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia (API) or InJourney Airports, Faik Fahmi said the 2F terminal was prepared specifically for Hajj and Umrah because it was to reduce density at terminal 3.

Faik said that in the 2F teminal, supporting facilities that can be used by Hajj and Umrah participants are also prepared, starting from a special waiting room, a mosque that is wide on the 2nd floor with an area of 3,000 meters which can accommodate 2,000 people, and so on.

"Then the meet and greet area at departure, and at arrival, it also completes their needs. Because so far at Terminal 3, we cannot prepare facilities for large numbers of congregations," said Faik.

Especially For Umrah To Operate From The End Of January

Faik said that the 2F teminal is ready to be used as a special terminal for Umrah flight services first at the end of January 2025.

"We will do it gradually. So at least we will start at the end of January. Umrah, this (for) Umrah first," he said.

Furthermore, Faik said that later the airline serving Umrah flights directly to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia would move from Terminal 3 to Terminal 2F. The airlines in question are Saudi Airlines and Garuda Indonesia.

"We hope that later the direct flight to Jeddah will come from here," he said.

Faik said that as well as Umrah pilgrims who use airlines with indirect flights to Jeddah, such as Emirates and Qatar Airways, will wait at Terminal 2F. Later prospective pilgrims will be escorted from Terminal 2F by bus to board the plane at Terminal 3.

"Well, for airlines that mix mixed passengers, for example those that are not direct go directly to Jeddah, through other countries, because there are regular and Umrah passengers, whose Umrah passes here, but regular ones stay there. Later from here we will prepare a bus to be taken to Terminal 3," said Faik.

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