JAKARTA - Deputy Minister for Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers / Deputy Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency, said there were 918,905 Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) who were stationed abroad after the last four years.
"PMI placement data abroad based on the 2007 destination country November 14, 2024, totaling 5,166,900 people," said Deputy Minister Christina Aryani quoting Antara.
The Deputy Minister said that as many as 918,905 PMIs were placed in the last four years or 2020 November 14, 2024. Meanwhile, 34,094 PMIs worked through G to G schemes such as South Korea, Japan and Germany.
The Deputy Minister said that Malaysia still dominates the placement of PMI abroad, namely 1,407,494 people, followed by Taiwan as many as 1,044,212 people and Hong Kong as many as 1,027,979 people and Saudi Arabia as many as 462,327 people.
Next, Singapore as many as 338,187 PMIs, the United Arab Emirates as many as 179,958 people, South Korea as many as 120,226 people, Brunei Darussalam 97,746 people, Qatar as many as 77,241 people and Oman as many as 63,294 people.
Meanwhile, based on the province, East Java Province has 1,200,751 PMIs stationed in the country.
Next West Java as many as 1,136,741 people, Central Java as many as 1,131,058 PMI, NTB as many as 614,815 PMI.
Furthermore, Lampung 261,328 PMI, North Sumatra 198,134 (PMI), Bali 104,444 PMI, Banten 100,764 PMI, South Sulawesi 76,686 PMI, and Jakarta as many as 64,085 PMI.
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