Fahri Hamzah Reveals 3 Main Problems In The Housing Sector
Deputy Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Fahri Hamzah. (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

Deputy Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Fahri Hamzah said, there are three main problems in the housing sector that must be resolved in the implementation of the 3 Million House Program.

The three problems include land, licensing and financing.

"The Ministry of PKP has only worked for 51 days. However, in these 51 days we are trying to identify all problems in the housing ecosystem and residential areas," Fahri said as quoted from his written statement, Thursday, December 12.

Fahri explained, in detail each problem was found.

First, the matter of land availability for the construction of the 3 Million Houses Program.

According to him, his party has coordinated with the Attorney General's Office (AGO) and the Ministry of PKP and the Ministry of SOEs to obtain data and land locations that can be used for the construction of public housing.

"I have chatted with Pak Nusron (Minister of ATR/BPN) and several parties who can overcome land problems," he said.

The second issue is licensing. The Ministry of PKP has coordinated with institutions related to housing development.

"We have coordinated with several institutions related to the licensing for the construction of houses as well", he said.

Last and no less important is financing. Fahri said that his party had met with the Ministry of Finance, Bank Indonesia and OJK to discuss this matter.

In addition, he said, his party also invites people and private parties who want to build houses or only provide land to participate in the construction of people's houses in mutual cooperation.

"We have also discussed with the Ministers of Finance, BI and OJK. So, the housing issue must be handled by all parties and the Ministry of PKP also continues to foster the spirit of mutual cooperation in the construction of houses," he said.

Fahri assessed that the three focuses of the problem needed support from various parties in its resolution.

"We have coordinated with the DPR RI and DPD RI to evaluate various activities in the housing sector and budget determination," he added.

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