BTN Boss Reveals The Cause Of Community Difficult Access To Subsidized Mortgages
President Director of BTN Nixon LP Napitupulu. Photo: Theresia Agatha/VOI

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk (BBTN) Nixon LP Napitupulu said online loans are often an obstacle for the public to access subsidized Home Ownership Loan (KPR) financing.

"30 percent of applications submitted to developers to buy subsidized mortgage houses today are rejected because they have a red Financial Information Service System (SLIK) for borrowing," Nixon said when delivering his remarks on the agenda of the Dialogue with the Development Association entitled 'Accelerated Distribution of the 3 Million Houses Program' at the BTN Tower, Jakarta, Friday, November 29.

Meanwhile, from the bank side, the provisions regarding the OJK SLIK are absolute so that they must be obeyed by banks.

Thus, BTN assesses that the problem of borrowing needs to be discussed so that solutions can appear that can help the community to access subsidized mortgages.

"So, sometimes there are only 200,000 balances, yes. Only banks must respect LYK OJK, so we cannot agree, because the provisions are clear," said Nixon.

Previously, the government decided to abolish the levy of Building Building Approval (PBG) and Building Rights Obtainment Feasibility (BPHTB) for Low-Income Communities (MBR).

According to the plan, the abolition of the tax will be in the form of a Regional Head Regulation regarding the exemption of BPHTB and the Approval of Building Buildings (PBG).

"Just the three of us (Minister of Public Works, Minister of PKP and Minister of Home Affairs) signed a Joint Decree (SKB), essentially the SKB to accelerate the construction program of 3 million houses," Tito said at a press conference at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Building, Jakarta, Monday, November 25.

"We agree that BPHTB and PBG for low-income people are abolished. Then, to speed up the approval of the building out within 10 days," he continued.

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