Pipe Drinking Water In Indonesia Is Still Low, Less Than 20 Percent
Deputy Minister of Public Works Diana Kusumastuti (photo: Theresia Agatha/VOI)

Deputy Minister of Public Works (PU) Diana Kusumastuti regrets that there is still a low share of piped drinking water in Indonesia which does not reach 20 percent.

Diana said drinking water from the piping network in the country had only reached 19.76 percent.

This was revealed by Diana in the Closing Loan National Urban Water Supply Project (NUWSP) agenda at the Ministry of Public Works Auditorium, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 19.

"When we talk about piped drinking water, I'm sad that there isn't 20 percent yet, it's still 19.76 percent. That means it's still far from 100 percent for piping," he said.

Diana added that the special piping drinking water in Jakarta was less than 50 percent or in other words only 45 percent.

Meanwhile, the feasibility of drinking water in Indonesia has reached 91.72 percent or almost 100 percent.

"Well, this is in other regencies/cities if 19 (percent) means, right, we have to continue to increase it. Continue to increase efforts so that we can reach 100 percent," said Diana.

As for the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for 2020-2024, 10 million house connections (SR) have been determined.

According to Diana, one of the achievements in NUWSP support is 1.6 million SR. Even so, this is still 16 percent of the targets set.

"But, we still have homework (homework). We still have a duty as soon as possible and we must continue to provide access to drinking water for all Indonesian people," he concluded.

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