Ministry Of Finance Reveals State Money Efficiency Reaches IDR 2.82 Trillion In The Last 5 Years
Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara. (Photo: Aris Nurjani/VOI)

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance I Suahasil Nazara revealed that the discipline and efficiency of the budget through spending had set aside funds of up to IDR 2.82 trillion in the last five years.

"Between the 2020 to 2024 fiscal year, there is an efficiency of IDR 2.82 trillion," said Suahasil in a working meeting with Commission XI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Monday, September 9.

Meanwhile, the details of this efficiency are IDR 1.12 trillion in 2020, in 2021 IDR 425.72 billion, in 2022 IDR 435.40 billion, in 2023 IDR 232.32 and in 2024 IDR 604.4 billion.

Suahasil menyampaikan angka tersebut berasal dari negatif grewth pegawai, pengendalian belanja birokrasi, collaborative tools, sistem penyaluran salary bermoserta, e-katlog, penurunan belanja print dokumen, pembayaran belanja pegawai pusat, optimalisasi penggunaan sarana prasarana.

Furthermore, the implementation of the future workspace, standardization of output costs, priority of forming a team for standardizing goods prices and implementing e-perjadin.

The following are the details of state budget savings made by the Ministry of Finance in 2020-2024:

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