Ministry Of Finance Targets Confiscation Of BLBI Obligors' Assets Of IDR 2 Trillion By 2025
Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) targets that by 2025 it will confiscate assets from obligors in the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) case of IDR 2 trillion.

Deputy Minister of Finance I (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said the target consisted of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) for the state treasury amounting to Rp500 billion, physical control of Rp500 billion, and asset management of Rp1 trillion.

This target will be achieved with an action plan that requires a budget allocation of Rp. 10.25 billion for various efforts to collect and confiscate assets from BLBI case obligors.

Suahasil added that achieving this target and continuing the BLBI collection program next year requires a budget allocation of Rp. 10.25 billion for various efforts to collect and confiscate assets from BLBI case obligors.

"This is for a series of cases of BLBI state collection rights that are still in process and for that the extra effort and action plans that we imagined and allocated Rp10.25 billion," said Suahasil in a working meeting with Commission XI of the DPR RI, Monday, September 9.

Suahasil said the budget would be used to form a committee for handling the right to collect BLBI funds as a substitute for the BLBI task force. And continue efforts to limit civility or public services as well as prevent traveling abroad.

Third, the funds will also be used to increase information tracing related to debtors and obligors with large and affiliated obligations, among others, with the help of BPKP investigative audits. Also, training to improve the ability to map tracing assets by collaborating with the United States government (US).

Furthermore, Suahasil conveyed that until September 5, 2024, the total assets confiscated from obligors in the BLBI case amounted to Rp38.88 trillion, consisting of PNBP to the state treasury of Rp1.84 trillion, Confiscation or delivery of security items of Rp18.13 trillion. Third, property assets control of Rp9.21 trillion. Fourth, Determination of Use Status (PSP) and grants of Rp5.93 trillion, and Non-Cash State Capital Participation (PMN) of Rp3.77 trillion. It is known that the target of collection is Rp110 trillion.

"These various activities have been carried out; inventory of asset documents, summoning debtors, management of collateral which is optimized by blocking, confiscation and auctioning, (as well as) determining PP No. 28 of 2022 as legal umbrella for civil restriction," said Suahasil.

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