IKN-Balikpapan Liaison Toll Road Using PLN FABA
President Joko Widodo while reviewing the progress of the construction of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) toll road using a motorcycle in East Kalimantan. (Photo: ANTARA)

PT PLN (Persero) through PLN Nusantara Power (NP) has succeeded in utilizing thousands of tons of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) as a mixture of strategic infrastructure development projects connecting the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) and the city of Balikpapan.

Some of these infrastructures include the IKN toll road, the ship collision protection project (fender) at the Bentang Panjang Bridge, Balang Island, and the Bantang Short Bridge duplication project on Balang Island.

President Director of PLN NP, Ruly Firmansyah revealed, until August 2024, PLN NP has distributed around 10,000 tons of FABA for the construction of the first phase of IKN infrastructure. His party targets as many as 60,000 tons of FABA to be used as a mixture of various IKN development infrastructure projects and their supporters.

"As an acceleration effort in realizing IKN, this absorption will increase in line with the use of FABA for infrastructure development. Through the nearest generating unit from IKN, namely PLTU Kaltim Teluk is ready to contribute to providing FABA later," said Ruly, Thursday, August 22.

He explained that the FABA used for the IKN strategic project came from the East Kalimantan Development Unit in Teluk with a capacity of 2x110 Megawatt.

This generating unit produces 150 tons of Fly Ash per day and 50 tons of Bottom Ash per day. As much as 70 percent is targeted for utilization in the construction of IKN.

Selain mendukung infrastruktur, FABA di sana juga dimanfaatkan sebagai penetrasir lahan asam pada area pertanggaran, dan media penanam nursery untuk pengeforeman di sekitar area tol Balikpapan-IKN.

This is in line with PLN's efforts to realize the circular economy and achieve the Net Zero Emission target by 2060.

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