The Added Value Of Creative Economy In Semester I 2024 Achieves IDR 749.5 Trillion
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) revealed that the added value of the creative economy sector in the first semester of 2024 has reached 55.65 percent or IDR 749.5 trillion from the target of IDR 1,347 trillion.

"The value of the creative economy in the first semester of 2024 has reached 55.65 percent of the 2024 target. Hopefully, this second semester can be achieved and can be achieved more," said Adyatama of Tourism and Creative Economy, Main Expert Nia Niscaya at a weekly press conference, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, August 13.

As for the added value of domestic creative economy, he said again, it consists of superior sub-sectors for this creative economy added value, namely fashion, culinary, and craft.

Meanwhile, for the achievement of exports, he said, based on data from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, the Ministry of Finance noted that the export value reached 12.3 billion US dollars from the target of 27.53 billion US dollars. This value shows an increase of 4.46 percent when compared to the same period as last year.

In total, this export achievement of creative products has reached 44.8 percent of the set target. Then the export value based on commodities is dominated by fashion, craft, and culinary.

"If the main domestic tourists are culinary, while if exports are the main thing is fashion, followed by crafts such as furniture, home knick-knacks," he said again.

Based on the data presented, exports of creative economy products in the first semester of 2024 were supported by fashion products amounting to 6,767.6 million US dollars, crafts amounting to 4,755.7 million US dollars, culinary amounting to 829.6 million US dollars and issuance of 6.15 million US dollars.

These creative products were exported to several countries, which are dominated by the United States (US) market, namely 4,078 million US dollars, Switzerland 908.47 million US dollars, Japan 619.2 million US dollars, followed by Hong Kong 582.6 million US dollars and India 541.7 million US dollars.

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