Customs And Excise Opens Voice About Concert Ticket Issues To Deterjen
Customs (Photo: Rupiah)

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has opened its voice regarding the news that in the community is concerned with extensification of excise, namely the expansion or addition of the type of goods that will be subject to excise in the form of tissue, fast food (fast food), concert tickets, to detergents. Director of Communication and Guidance for Customs Service Users, Nirwala Dwi Heriyanto said that the issue of extensification policy was conveyed in public lectures in the academic scope so that its nature was still a proposal from various parties to get input from academics. "The language of extensification policies is that extensification of excise is arising in PKN STAN public lectures that raises the theme of Excise Potential: Facing Challenges, Realizing a Sustainable Future. So, the nature of the extensification policy is still proposals from various parties, it has not yet been studied, and also in order to get input from academics," he said in his statement, Wednesday, July 24.Nirwala said that basically the criteria for excise imposed goods are goods whose consumption properties or characteristics need to be controlled. In addition, goods subject to excise the circulation need to be monitored, its use can have a negative impact on society or the environment, or its use needs to charge state levies for justice and balance. This is based on Law Number 39 of 2007 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 1995 concerning Excise. To date, there are only three types of excise, namely ethyl alcohol or ethanol, beverages containing ethyl alcohol, and tobacco products.

Nirwala conveyed related to the discourse on optimizing state revenue through extensification of excise objects, that the process of an item that will be designated into excisable goods is very long and through many stages, including listening to people's aspirations. "The process starts from the extensification of excise plans to the DPR, determination of revenue targets in the RAPBN with the DPR, and the preparation of government regulations as the legal umbrella for the extensification arrangement," he said. The government is very prudent and really considers various aspects, such as the economic condition of the community, national, industry, aspects of health, the environment, and others. We will listen to the aspirations of stakeholders, in this case the DPR and the wider community," he concluded.

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