Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Calls No Restrictions On Purchase Of Fuel Starting August 17, 2024
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif (Photo: Antara)

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan revealed that the government limits the use of fuel oil subsidies (BBM) on August 17, 2024. That way, the amount of fuel subsidy distribution is more targeted.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif opened his voice about this matter. According to him, there will be no restrictions on purchasing fuel on August 17. Not only that, Arifin also emphasized that there will be no changes in fuel prices.

"Nothing has changed, nothing has gone up," said Arifin when met at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Friday, July 12.

Arifin added that currently his party still has to sharpen the data currently collected through the QR Code in the MyPertamina application which has been initiated by Pertamina.

"We are sharpening it first, sharpening the data. The direction to us is to be right on target, further deepening it," said Arifin.

Regarding the revision of Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 (Perpres 191) to limit the purchase of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) so that it is distributed on target., Arifin said that it still needs to be discussed with 3 Ministries, namely the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Finance.

"It still has to be between 3 ministers, only to the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy," concluded Arifin.

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