Ahead Of Eid Al-Adha 2024, Pertamina Adds 330,800 3 Kg Elpiji Stocks In Kediri Raya
Illustration (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara (Jatimbalinus) increased the supply of 3 kilograms of LPG as much as 330,800 cylinders for the Kediri Raya region (Nganjuk, Kediri City, Kediri Regency, Trenggalek, City and Blitar Regency, Tulungagung).

Area Manager Comm, Rel & CSR Jatimbalinus Sunday Rahedi said, the additional tube is intended to meet the needs ahead of Eid al-Adha 2024, usually the need is higher than on weekdays.

"Before and after Eid al-Adha, we will periodically flood the tubes seeing the prediction of high consumption and tradition in each region. Of course, the additional amount in each district city adjusts that. For example, in Madura the frequency is more intensive due to the tradition of torons, more travelers than Eid al-Fitr," said Sunday as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 13.

For the Kediri Raya area, Pertamina provides an additional supply of 3 kilograms of subsidized LPG cylinders of 330,800 tubes.

Daily consumption for Nganjuk Regency is 43,120 tubes with an additional facultative in June 2024, which is 80,240 tubes. For the City of Kediri, daily consumption is 17,920 tubes and an additional facultative 22,960 tubes.

Daily consumption in Kediri Regency is 64,400 tubes and the facultative addition is 82,600 tubes. Blitar City daily consumption is 7,840 tubes and the facultative addition is 8,960 tubes.

In Blitar Regency, daily consumption is 38,640 tubes and the facultative addition is 42,360 tubes.

Meanwhile, in Tulungagung Regency, daily consumption is 46,480 tubes and an additional 60,840 tubes are facultative.

Meanwhile, in the Jatimbalinus area, an additional supply of 3 kilograms of subsidized LPG cylinders was 1,797,160 tubes or 136.6 percent, compared to the average daily normal consumption in June of 1,315,440 3 kilograms of LPG cylinders or 3,946 Metric Tons per day.

He hopes that the additional supply, which is prepared ahead of Eid al-Adha 2024, will further minimize gaps for individuals to take advantage of the increasing demand for LPG.

He added that people can buy 3 kilograms of subsidized LPG cylinders at the nearest official base at the highest retail price of IDR 16 thousand per tube.

If people actually buy subsidized LPG cylinders above this price, it is possible for people to buy in stores or stalls that are not officially bases.

"We can distinguish Pertamina's official base. If the price is above Rp. 16,000 per cylinder, it is no longer an official base. It can be purchased because it is the people's choice, but if you miss taking the profit, don't buy it. The more happy it is for retailers who raise the price if purchased," he said.

He also added that the number of official bases is quite large and widespread. For the kelurahan level, each kelurahan exists between 2-3 official bases, while the big city levels are up to five bases.

"The bases are spread across each subsidized village and if people have difficulty finding subsidized LPG cylinders in their area, they can contact the 135 call center so that the nearest and available base can be informed," he said.

In East Java, supported by three LPG supply points, namely Gresik, Surabaya and Banyuwangi with East Java LPG stocks currently reaching 19,737 metric tons, with the average daily normal consumption reaching 3,946 metric tons per day.

With these conditions, LPG stocks are still in the safe category, still able to accommodate a fivefold increase in consumption. However, the distribution to the public adjusts the quota for each city district set by the government.

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