PLN Indonesia Power Changes The Names Of 3 Of Its Subsidiaries
PLN (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - PLN Indonesia Power (PLN IP) has transformed 2.0 to support acceleration towards global-scale companies, by optimizing their various assets in developing new and renewable energy (EBT) including changing names to 3 of its subsidiaries.

Cogindo Daya Bersama menjadi PLN Indonesia Power Services, Putra Indo Tenaga menjadi PLN Indonesia Power Renewables, dan Indo Tenaga Hijau menjadi PLN Indonesia Geothermal.

President Director of PLN Indonesia Power Edwin Nugraha Putra said that PLN's transformation is the basis for future corporate actions, one of which is by forming a Subholding Generation Company PLN Indonesia Power, with the status it supports, PLN Indonesia Power must develop its assets.

"We now have assets and must develop these assets, especially the development of power plants," said Edwin, Tuesday, June 11.

According to Edwin, PLN Indonesia Power has also faced the challenges of the energy transition in achieving the Net Zero Emission target by optimizing the new renewable energy-based generator EBT. To achieve this, the corporation made various breakthroughs, one of which was by optimizing the role of its subsidiaries in carrying out the transformation.

Edwin said that this rebranding is based on a future that focuses on Net Zerro Emission, so that the development of EBT is highly prioritized, both from operation to generating maintenance.

This is also applied to subsidiaries engaged in the operating and maintenance business of PLN Indonesia Power Services. The company focuses on developing a business of solutions for various generating technologies and of course EBT, including operations, maintenance, repair and overhoul and energy supply services for all energy facilities, both power plants and non-generators, as well as aggressive business expansion globally.

"The focus of PLN IP Services, which has been oriented towards domestic power generation Operation and Maintenance (O&M), is now starting to develop its business abroad," explained Edwin.

In addition, Indo Tenaga's son as a subsidiary who focuses on developing an investment business in the energy sector has transformed into PLN Indonesia Power Renewables. He plays an active role in developing an investment portfolio that focuses on renewable new energy in supporting the big agenda of the Indonesian Government's energy transition and PLN Group sustainability as an effort to achieve Net Zerro Emission.

Meanwhile, rebranding the Green Power Indo to become PLN Indonesia Geothermal will make PLN Indonesia Power more focused on developing geothermal energy.

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