JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives Amin AK asked SOE Minister Erick Thohir to improve the management of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (Tbk).
This is the aftermath of PP Muhammadiyah's decision to divert its savings funds from the state-owned bank.
This PKS Party politician said the problem with the withdrawal of PP Muhamamdiyah's savings funds looked simple.
However, he said, this is actually a serious problem because it can interfere with BSI liquidity.
"This problem seems simple, but serious. How did Muhammadiyah withdraw funds of Rp. 13 to Rp. 15 trillion. It's not a small fund, although it's not big, but I can interfere with BSI liquidity," he said in a working meeting of Commission VI of the DPR with the Minister of SOEs, at the Perlemen Complex, Jakarta, Friday, June 7.
Amin suspects that BSI management considers many political aspects compared to business aspects.
According to him, customers who have funds of IDR 13 to IDR 15 trillion should be treated differently from those who have savings of only IDR 100 million to IDR 1 billion.
Therefore, Amin assessed that the evaluation of BSI management needed to be carried out to maintain public trust in the state-owned Islamic bank.
"So I think it needs to be seriously evaluated for the performance of this BSI management. Actually, the second time it went viral was a few months ago," he explained.
For your information, the news of the withdrawal of funds began when the Muhammadiyah PP letter circulated on social media.
Through Memo Muhammadiyah number 320/1.0/A/2024 which was issued on May 30, Muhammadiyah instructed to transfer funds from BSI to a number of Islamic banks.
The memo was signed by the Chairman of Muhmadiyah Agung Danarto and the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Muhammad Sayuti as a follow-up to a meeting with the leaders of PP Muhammadiyah and Muhammadiyah Business Amal regarding AUM's financial consolidation in Yogyakarta on May 26.
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