Kemenparekraf-Basarnas Strengthens Safety Protocols At Labuan Bajo DPSP Impact Of Tourist Ship Accidents
Photo: Doc. Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) together with the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) held a workshop "Evaluation and Implementation of Security and Safety Protocols at the Labuan Bajo DPSP" at the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority Executing Agency (BPOLBF) on Tuesday, May 28.

Expert Staff for Crisis Management at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Fadjar Hutomo said this activity was an effort by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy together with Basarnas to increase perceptions about safety and safety of traveling for tourists at the Labuan Bajo Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP).

"So, services for tourists and the trust of tourists to travel can continue to be improved," said Fadjar in his official statement, Wednesday, May 29.

This follows up on the lack of safety and security of tourists encountered at the Labuan Bajo DPSP. One of them is about tourist boat accidents. These problems can affect the preference of tourists to travel to Labuan Bajo.

Therefore, said Fadjar, tourism security and safety management must be carried out at all levels. Starting from promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative by all stakeholders.

"Promotive actions can be taken by providing a number of special trainings to carry out security and safety measures given to local tour guides and local communities," he said.

Through this workshop, he said, it is hoped that all tourism stakeholders and the creative economy in Labuan Bajo can understand the importance of an integrated tourism ecosystem and management of the regional tourism crisis. Thus, creating a sense of security and comfort for tourists who travel to Labuan Bajo.

"At the same time increasing the management capacity of local authorities, increasing the risk communication of local authority events with local parties and the local community and increasing the confidence of tourists to travel," he said.

Meanwhile, Basarnas Director of Preparedness Noer Isroedin said that it is necessary to increase collective awareness from the community as well as all parties related to emergency conditions or crises in tourism destinations.

"This activity is our effort to collaborate in the context of compiling security and safety protocol documents in super priority destinations," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary of West Manggarai Regency, Fransiskus S. Sodo, appreciated the cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in carrying out this activity.

"This shows the importance of involving stakeholders in the regions and dividing the roles of each stakeholder," he added.

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