The Ministry Of Finance Said That DKI Jakarta Disbursed The Largest Budget To Overcome Climate Change
Head of the BKF Center for Climate and Multilateral Change Financing Policy, Boby Wahyu Hernawan. (Aris Nurjani / VOI)

BOGOR - The Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) revealed that the DKI Jakarta area is the area that has the largest budget to overcome climate change when compared to other regions.

Head of the Center for Climate Change and Multilateral Financing Policy at the Ministry of Finance Boby Wahyu Hernawan said, DKI Jakarta has the largest climate change budget, with an average of IDR 76.162 billion per year.

Meanwhile, the budget is included in the Regional Climate Budget Tagging (RCBT) to identify the achievements of mitigation and adaptation of climate change in the regions. The implementation of RCBT is expected to improve the quality of planning and budgeting in the regions in a transparent and accountable manner.

Meanwhile, Boby said that based on the pilot project, the average portion of the climate change budget for the APBD based on the 2020 RCBT project pilot 2023 is 5.38 percent.

Boby said that some areas already have a significant climate change budget, one of which is the City of Surabaya at 19.53 percent and the Prov. DKI Jakarta around 12.74 percent.

"However, in nominal terms, DKI Jakarta has the largest climate change budget, with an average of IDR 76.162 billion per year," he said in a media gathering, Wednesday, May 29.

Boby conveyed that based on the results of the signification of climate change in the regions since 2020 2023, information was obtained that adaptation activities still dominated climate change activities in the regions. This is based on local government affairs that are closely tied to basic public services.

The development of Climate Budget Tagging (CBT) at the regional level has been implemented at 22 local governments at the provincial/district/city level.

Consisting of 6 test areas + 3 continued regions (2021), 3 testing areas + 4 continued regions (2022), 2 testing areas + 3 continued regions (2023).

Among them are Riau Province, Pekanbaru City, Siak Regency, West Java Province, Subang Regency, Aceh Province, North Kalimantan Province, Gorontalo Province, Gorontalo Regency, West Papua Province, and Papua Province.

Furthermore, Jambi Province, Bangka Belitung Province, DKI Jakarta Province, Cirebon City, East Java province, Surabaya City, DI Yogyakarta Province, Gunung Kidul Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Bali Province and West Nusa Tenggara Province.

Boby conveyed that the purpose of developing CBT in the regions is to identify programs/activities that have been carried out by the regions in supporting climate change actions.

Furthermore, increasing understanding and regional capacity in planning and budgeting that support climate change actions and encouraging local governments in policy funding for change.

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